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Philodendron Brandi needs a fair amount of water to flourish.Throughout the growing season, you should aim to keep her soil evenly moist but not saturated. The key is to water little and often. During the summer, she will get thirsty and will need light yet consistent watering about three times a week. Check that the top two inches of soil have dried out between waterings as Brandi will not tolerate sitting in very wet soil for long periods, and always allow the soil to drain after each watering. Overwatering will cause her to drop foliage and makes her susceptible to root rot, particularly during the winter when her thirst is considerably reduced, when you can reduce watering to once a week or even less.

Philodendrons are a resilient bunch and can survive short periods of neglect without being too dramatic. If you do forget to water your Brandi for a week, don’t fret, the damage will be minimal so long as you don’t allow her to become parched for prolonged periods. Drought will cause her foliage to shrivel or curl up.

Temperature and Humidity

Brandi needs a warm and humid environment to thrive in the home. The optimal humidity level for Brandi is 60% and above, but anything above 50% will suffice. If your home lacks humidity you can mist her occasionally, but make sure the room is well ventilated, as lingering moisture on the foliage can cause fungal and bacterial infections. Keeping Brandi in amongst other, similar tropical plants will help to maintain consistent humidity.

The optimum temperature for Brandi is anywhere between 65-95 °F. She will begin to struggle if the temperature drops below 60°F for any length of time. She should be kept well away from any extreme temperatures or very dry areas, such as draughty windows, radiators, or air conditioning units. Consistency is key with Brandi, as any sudden temperature changes can cause her to go into shock. Maintaining stable humidity and temperatures will promote healthy growth and bigger leaves.

Soil and Pots

Brandi’s aversion to soggy soil means that a well-draining potting mix is essential! Avoid adding too much dense material to your potting mix as this will hold on to water, but a small amount of sphagnum moss or coco coir will help to maintain uniform moisture levels throughout. Adding organic material like peat moss will improve the fertility of her soil, whilst a good portion of vermiculite or perlite will aid drainage. Ideally, her soil should have a neutral to acidic pH level of between 6.1 and 7.3

Proper drainage is crucial. Despite being a thirsty plant, Brandi hates sitting in stagnant water or overly saturated soil so choose a pot with plenty of drainage holes that allow excess water to drain freely. Brandi prefers her roots to be a little loose, so they are quite comfortable in a slightly oversized pot. If you want to encourage Brandi’s climbing nature, place a moss pole into the pot and she can be easily trained to grow upwards.


During the growing season, monthly feeds with a general-purpose fertilizer diluted to half strength will help to speed up the growth rate and encourage foliage density. During winter, Brandi will stop actively growing, so there is little need to feed her.


Philodendron Brandi requires minimal pruning. She naturally drops older leaves throughout the year, but you can help speed up the process by periodically removing any discolored, damaged, or drooping leaves. Pruning lightly like this a couple of times a year is enough.


If you notice your Brandi’s roots are become suffocated or compacted in the pot, it’s time to transfer her to something bigger. She will let you know when she needs repotting as her growth will slow considerably, but two to three years between repotting is generally the norm. Remember that Brandi likes loose roots, so make sure you choose a new pot with plenty of space for her roots to spread. The looser her roots, the healthier and faster her growth will be.

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