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Philodendrons are native to the tropical rainforests of South America, so when growing White Princess Philodendron you need to try to replicate that environment for them to thrive.

White Princess Philodendron light requirements are for bright but indirect sunlight, as in the rainforests they grow underneath the forest canopy.

White Princess plant light needs are between 10,000-20,000 lux. 

The best place in your home is next to a north or east-facing window, or in a shadier spot in a west or south-facing room.

Never put them in the full sun, as it will damage the foliage, and prolonged exposure can kill the plant. 


We might think that a tropical plant’s watering needs are high, but that is not the case for White Princess Philodendron plants.

In the rainforests where the philodendron originates, the plants are used to being on the dry side, so you should aim for the same when you water White Princess plant.

You may only need to water every 7-10 days. Check the soil and water only when the top half of the soil is dry.

An effective White Princess Philodendron watering is to plunge the pot into a bucket of water and let it soak briefly. Then remove it and let the excess drain out.

Never let your White Princess Philodendron sit in water as the roots can rot and die.


The ideal White Princess Philodendron temperature range is 64-73˚F (18-23°C ).

This temperature for White Princess plant should be easy to achieve in an indoor environment.

White Princess Philodendron has limited temperature tolerance below 60°F (17°C), and no frost hardiness at all. Freezing temperatures will kill it.

Unless you live in zones 10-13, you will have to keep your White Princess Philodendron indoors for much of the year. You could move it outdoors in the summer, however, taking care to avoid full sun locations.

Even indoors, though, you need to keep it out of cold drafts and air conditioning to avoid damage.


White Princess Philodendron humidity requirements are pretty well what you would expect from a native of the tropical rainforests. 

The ideal humidity for White Princess plant is high—between 60-80%. 

Luckily, there are ways that you can create an acceptable humidity level for your White Princess Philodendron without turning your whole home into a steam bath.

If you have several tropical plants that need high humidity, group them together around a small humidifier that will moisten the air in their immediate vicinity.

Alternatively, you could set them on a tray filled with pebbles and water. 

The easiest way is to mist the leaves every few days with distilled water.


White Princess Philodendron soil needs to be porous and well-draining so that it will not stay too moist.

The best pH level for White Princess plant is between 5.6-7 (mildly acidic-neutral).

The ideal soil mix should have nutrient-rich elements, but at the same time be light and airy. If it retains too much water, your White Princess Philodendron roots are likely to rot, killing the plant.

To make the ideal soil for White Princess plant, use a combination of potting mix or compost with sphagnum moss, perlite, and peat moss. If the soil compacts too easily, add pine bark or vermiculite to loosen it up. 


Your White Princess Philodendron will need regular feeding to ensure lush foliage growth.

The best White Princess Philodendron fertilizer is a liquid one that can be diluted in water and applied to the soil.

Do not fertilize when the soil is dry, as it is likely to run right through and not be absorbed.

Instead, apply the fertilizer for White Princess plant shortly after watering to ensure even distribution throughout the soil.

The best fertilizer ratio for White Princess Philodendron is an even 10-10-10.

Fertilize your White Princess Philodendron once or twice a month in its spring and summer growing season. Cut back to once every two months in fall and winter.

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