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How do you grow alocasia indoors?

Growing alocasia plants indoors is not a tough task, you have to replicate the outdoor conditions, which is a warm, humid, and well-lit environment. Here are few easy steps to grow alocasia plant indoors.

Take a large size pot so that the plant can get enough room to grow.

Use well-aerated loose soil to show that airflow could be maintained if the soil is too hard to add a little proportion of sandy soil and mix it with loamy soil and peat. Now pot the plant, Let the topsoil be dry for some time, and then add water to it.

A rhizome is a part from which the root grows while planting the plant. You care that rhizomes should be above the topsoil layer to insure the plant’s growth.

Alocasia plants prefer tight spots so do not repot it very often.

Watering is a very critical and key element for a plant’s health, you should water it when topsoil looks dry, it should be kept moist all the time.

Keep the pot in a well-lit environment but not in direct sunlight as well lit environment promotes its growth very well but direct harsh sunlight will damage the plant.

It is a humidity-loving plant so take care of humidity, if you have two plants keep them nearby to enhance the humidity or you can also use an electric humidifier.

Use Organic fertilizer with neem extracts into it once every 2 months which will provide it optimum nutrition and prevent it from fungus and bugs.

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